International collaboration on HTA

INAHTA (the international network of agencies for health technology assessment) is an international network comprising about thirty health technology assessment agencies. The CEDIT was a founding member, along with 12 other agencies, in 1993.

The French members are the HAS and the CEDIT.

EUROSCAN is a European information network on new and changing health technologies. This network of technological watch, of which CEDIT is a member, aims to evaluate and exchange key information on selected emerging technologies or on new applications of existing technologies, in order to understand their effects and potential consequences in the short and long terms, on healthcare and society. One of the tools proposed is the creation and update of a European scientific database for all member agencies. This network was created in 1997 and has now ten members (agencies already involved in technological watch and health technology assessment at a regional or national level).

HTAi is a global scientific and professional society of health technology assessment. CEDIT is regularly attending its annual congress.




The works of the committee are referenced in the following databases :

- The HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT (HTA) DATABASE (University of York, NHS centre for reviews and dissemination) stores the information produced by the agencies of the INAHTA (International network for health technology assessment) and is also accessible via the database of the COCHRANE LIBRARY.

- The INTERNATIONAL HEALTH TECHNOLOGY DATABASE contains more than 75,000 publications concerning standards, recommendations, evaluation reports and so on. This database is managed by ECRI Institute, an American non-profit-making organisation that collaborates with the World health organisation (payment required for access).

- The WHO recognizes the CEDIT as one of 131 international agencies for the assessment of medical technologies.