Catégorie | mars, 2016

Traceability for individual surgical instruments

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Following a request from the central procurement department, the CEDIT, a hospital based HTA agency of the Paris University Hospital (AP-HP), assessed the value of traceability for individual surgical instruments. Indeed, surgical instruments may get mixed up or be inverted with instruments from other procedures either in the operating area or in the […]

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Spectros T-Stat™ (Visible light spectroscopy) for acute intestinal ischemia

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The CEDIT assessed the clinical value of Spectros T-Stat™ for the diagnostisof acute intestinal ischemia. This assessment occurred with the development of the first French stroke center named SURVI (Structure d’URgences Vasculaires Intestinales) in Paris. Technical aspects: This device uses visible light spectroscopy to measure tissue oxygenation. An optical catheter is introduced via […]

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